Infernal Bizarre – Medium (ER)
I know, that I spoke about it almost in every review, but metal scene in Poland is one of the best in the world. And maybe the best. For me, metalhead in Poland are best […]
I know, that I spoke about it almost in every review, but metal scene in Poland is one of the best in the world. And maybe the best. For me, metalhead in Poland are best […]
Viem, že sa budem opakovať, ale poľská metalová scéna patrí medzi tie najlepšie na svete. Ak nie je aj jednoznačne najlepšia. Väčšinou som ohromený z tamojšieho doom/death metalu, avšak pred pár dňami sa ku mne […]
Children of Bodom – videoklip k tretiemu singlu z chystaného albumu 1.3.2019 Fínski melodickí death metalisti Children of Bodom vydajú 8. marca nový album Hexed. Tracklist: This Road Under Grass and Clover Glass Houses Hecate’s […]