David Readman (Room Experience, Pink Cream 69, ex-Voodo Circle) – ,,I’m sure we are ready to hit the stage…“

david readman spevak 2020David Readman is one of the most hyperactive musicians of the world. Many people know him from Pink Cream 69 or from Voodo Circle. But he has so many activities. He released new album The Night Goes On with new AOR project Room Experience with Italy musicians Gianluca Firmo, Dave Rox etc… He also started special group Immunity for the Masses and he sang songs of NWOBHM band – Tank last year again. More in this interview:

Hello David. With your music mates Gianluco Firmo, Dave Rox and others you will release new album soon. Could you please tell us something more about Room Experience project for people who never heard of you? How did you actually get together? Who initiated this cooperation?

David Readman: Hi! We got together through Alessandro Delvecchio, we had been working together in Voodoo Circle at that time.

He called me and asked if I would be interested. I told him please send me some songs to hear the quality. I loved it straight away because it was of a very high quality.

Could you please tell us something more about Another Time And Place album?

David Readman: Well, we have been working on this album for a long time, the video for the first album was filmed in Italy about 2 years ago, so feels great to finally get it out there. The album is a bit heavier and is more suitable to my voice range.

When was started the recording process of it and how did it look?

David Readman: Well, as I already said we began around three years ago to talk and discuss the recording process and song writing. I recorded once again the vocals at home in my studio which works very well indeed. Mainly the demos are with the voice of Dave Rox so he is also a very good singer and a great guide vocal…

Is there any chance to transform Room Experience to real band?

David Readman: Yes. I really think so, as you can see from the photos on the album, there is a real band involved in this project. I’m sure we are ready to hit the stage when the time comes.

room experience david 2020

Bussy musician

OK, let’s talk about your another bands/projects. This year you have started cooperation with Immunity for the Masses. But the internet is poor of information about it. Could you tell us more details?

David Readman: Yes, we released a single on the 12.05.2020.

It was basically a mad I idea to create a band and album that would contain the whole Covid19 situation, everybody in LOCKDOWN so the album and first video was recorded at home. Even the name of the band describes the situation.

You have released with guitarists Mickom Tuckerom and Cliffom Evansom album Re-Ignition containing remastered songs of Tank band on the last year. Are you planning also album with new songs for the future?

David Readman: Oh yes, we were in Australia and Japan and parts of Europe last year. So we will sure continue as much as possible, even if 2020 doesn’t look good so far.

Home band Pink Cream 69

Next question is about your home band Pink Cream 69. Last year left you bass player Dennis Ward and this year you split up with guitarist Uwe Reitenauer. What is happening?

David Readman: That’s not an easy story to be honest. The guys just have had enough and decided to move on, no bad feelings indeed…

Are you planning successor of your last album Headstrong (2017)?

David Readman: Yes, we are indeed, were writing songs as I write. The only thing of course is that Covid19 is not helping in this situation 🙁

pink cream 69 kapela

The life of a busy musician

You work on many projects. According to what criteria do you choose them?

David Readman: I just have to feel the music and more important that the songs fit my vocal style. Also important is that people involved need to be cool guys!

What can you advise to musicians – beginners?

David Readman: Learn your instrument and work hard on it. But above all you need to be a good business man for the next step and that is no easy…

Thank you very much for this interview and for your time. And the very last thing – could you please leave some message for our readers?

David Readman: Thanks for reading and let’s hope we can get our normal life back soon with concerts and live music!

Youtube teasers:


David Readman’s photo: https://lnk.sk/fnon

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