Joakim Brodén (Sabaton) – ,,We just do our thing and try to keep our Sabaton…“

joakim brodenHello Joakim. I have to say, I didn’t use to listen to your band before, but your new album “Heroes” is one of the greatest power metal albums of this year.  Could you tell me something more about its preparing and recording process?

Joakim Brodén: Hello there, I’m happy you liked it! 🙂 As usual the writing process goes on all the time, but the final 3 months are usually 12-16 days of composing for me before we hit the studio to record it.

The album was recorded in about 6 weeks in the beginning of this year and it was quite fun to see how quick our new guitarists laid down all the guitars.

How did the new members help with the new album? Did they participate somehow?

Joakim Brodén: I wrote almost all of the music as usual, but the song ”Soldier of 3 Armies” was written together with our guitarist Thobbe and ”Man of War” with our drummer Hannes.

I was attracted by many things, but the main was originality. I think lots of bands steal their unique, or they steal things from old legends. Are there any special advices to avoid that?

Joakim Brodén: No idea if I’m honest. We just do our thing and try to keep our ”Sabaton” identity in the music without repeating ourselves too much.


As always there’s your classic idea (war), but there are personal views of war this time. I have to ask. Aren’t you afraid you’ll have no more ideas in this way of songs anymore?

Joakim Brodén: Haha 🙂 Not the least, even if there would be no more wars from today there is still enough material in military history for 10 times more albums than we could possibly record in our career! 😉

“Ballad of Bull” was good surprise for me. Could you tell me about lyrics of this song?

Joakim Brodén: It’s a song about an Australian stretcher bearer who went straight into a battle where the American soldiers were ambushed. Every one else ran away, but he went into the line of fire 12 times, every time returning with an american soldier on his shoulders.

Upcoming shows

How is it going to look the tour of Heroes?

Joakim Brodén: It’s gonna be a long one stretching into 2016 even it seems.

Are you going to visit new places? Places you’ve never played before?

Joakim Brodén: We are actually looking into south america and some places in asia we haven’t visited before, so fingers crossed we’ll be able to call it a world tour 🙂

Can we expect you in Slovakia?

Joakim Brodén: Of course! 🙂

You used to play “Far  from the fame” a lot in Czech Republic. Did you use to play this song anywhere else?

Joakim Brodén: We played it in Sweden just a few days ago, and in Bratislava when we played there on the last tour about a year ago.

What other songs can we expect on your tour? I’d really like to hear “Smoking snakes” or mentioned ballad “The ballad of bull”.

Joakim Brodén: We actually don’t know yet, the songs who are most popular among the fans will be played, but it’s too early to tell yet.

sabaton kapela 2016

Ordinary life

What are Sabaton members‘ hobbies and interests?

Joakim Brodén: Everything from fitness to beer and history and music, we’re all different.

How does the normal day of Joakim Broden look like?

Joakim Brodén: There’s no ”normal” day, which I’m happy for, if every day was the same I would have quit a long time ago 🙂

Ex members

Do you keep in touch with your ex members?

Joakim Brodén: Sure, to the extent it’s possible since we’re travelling all the time and I barely get to see my girlfriend and family which of course comes higher on the priority-list

Would be concert of Sabaton and Civil war real one day?

Joakim Brodén: They don’t tour much at all, but I don’t see why not 🙂

So it was my last question. Thanks for interview, I wish all the best. Traditionally please leave a message for slovak fans.

Joakim Brodén: Pivo Prosim!!!! 😉 (Bier please 🙂 )

Photo: Promo Sabaton

Thanks for help with this interview: Tereza Kašiakova

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