Vladimir Shvakel, Nastya Shevtsova (Mission Jupiter) – ,,Our mission is our music“

Mission JupiterBelarus metal/rock scene is waiting for the better known. If you wanna, know it you can start with band Mission Jupiter. They released new album Architecture after few time – really great progressive rock, which you don´t hear long time. What was the creation process of it, how is the role of metal/rock in Belarus? It was some questions, who was answered by Vladimir Shakavel, guitarist Mission Jupiter, and Nastya Shevtsova – vocalist.

Hi! Mission Jupiter has released album called Architecture. What was the process of creation of it?

Hi! It was rather long and interesting process. First, our guitarist Vladimir wrote all the lyrics to the songs. Then we started enriching them together with the help of our drummer Eugene who is also our sound engineer. All of us brought effort and certain spirit to the album. We have built it up as a house, so no wonder we called it “Architecture”! 🙂

What can fans await from it?

While listening to Architecture album, people can easily enjoy 11 proper compositions with broad spectrum of musical effects, non-typical female vocals, and hints of jazz. Honestly speaking, this is very melodic and versatile album. We hope that people who love beautiful music will enjoy our debut LP.

It is totally impossible to put album into some genre borders, and result is true masterpiece music. Is this multi-genre music result of difference music preferences in band?

Yes, you’re right. We all have a bit different music preferences, but at the same time we do have our common favorite bands, including Massive Attack, The Gathering, Muse, and more. First, I didn’t even understand how it turned out we have such a mixture of genres. It happened so naturally, like it should be.

What about cover of album? What does it stand for?

😀 This is very awkward question. We worked with one gifted photographer. Her name is Alena Khodor.

She is extremely famous here in Belarus for her unusual photo sessions. She provided us with a wonderful pic and almost immediately we decided to use it as a cover for the upcoming album.

That was very funny and unexpected. I think the album cover reflects grace like precisely designed building!

What mean name of band Mission Jupiter? Is there some special meaning behind?

At first we have quite a lot of variants how to call our band, but we always came back to “Mission Jupiter”. One day we suddenly realized it perfectly describes our music and our intentions. Our mission is our music.

Jupiter – the greatest and the most powerful planet in the Solar system – is an ideal we always tend to reach. Besides, space really inspires all of us.

What about concerts? Where could fans see you?

Well, now, the band focuses on the release of Architecture album also in Poland (vinyls, cds) plus we are looking forward to demonstrate our second music video. Mission Jupiter is also recording new material for the next album, so we are planning to perform a bit later. Wait for us!

Could you tell us something about your lives beside the band?

Unfortunately, like a lot of bands we have our daily jobs. We need to make a living somehow and invest a lot in a band. We spent a lot of time working for IT company with HQ in San Francisco. Our bass player has his own business. Our sax player is a music teacher in a small town in the west of Belarus.

We used to spend a lot of time together, generating ideas, laughing, doing sports and etc. This is very important thing to stay together despite of obstacles and difficulties.

Could you tell us something about metal scene in Belarus?

Hmmmm, this is very complicated question. I mean, I know how to answer it but when we speak about our metal/rock scene, we need to understand that the situation is ambiguous.

We have great folk metal bands, classic heavy metal bands, experimental bands, but they are really unknown! I mean when you live in Belarus it’s totally difficult to find your place under the sun playing metal music. Small amount of festivals, clubs and people who are involved and love metal music.

I mean we have dedicated fans of this music genre but musicians don’t have a lot of tools to demonstrate their music to the public.

And something about your country in total?

Weeeell, in general, when you have money it’s quite easy and convenient to live in Belarus. Our picturesque nature and people are the most important assets of Belarus. So now the negative moments….

….We expert changes in our society. Democratic things need to be improved. Regarding music industry, it almost doesn’t exist here. There are several bands that play everywhere but no chances for interesting, special and unusual music. Anyway, I think it’s a matter of time! Let’s hope for the best.

So, that was the last question. Thank you so much for the answers and you can share now something with the fans.

You are always welcome and thanks for having us. We would like to wish our potential fans here more great and interesting music in their ears. In our modern world, where everything is constantly changing, is totally difficult to find interesting material and really enjoy it. Please stay tuned and listen to the great music! Take care!!!!

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One thought on “Vladimir Shvakel, Nastya Shevtsova (Mission Jupiter) – ,,Our mission is our music“”

  1. In original version of this article was published, that interview was made with guitarist Vladimir Shakavel. But vocalist Nastya Shevtsova also answered some questions. We are apologizing

    Thomas Kai – admin

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